About Story For All
There are many storytelling organizations, but Story For All is unique in harnessing the power of story to heal and to inspire action.
Storytelling is as old as humanity. Long before writing, humans shared and transmitted knowledge orally. Our brains are wired for storytelling – when we hear someone’s story, we feel the storyteller’s emotions; in our minds we can see, hear, taste and smell what they are describing, and their story literally becomes our own. In this way, storytelling has immense power to build connection, understanding, and empathy, as well as motivate people to take action. This power of story is what propels and guides our work at Story For All.
We believe that all people have valuable stories to tell. We believe all people should be empowered to tell their own stories in their own unique ways. And we believe the world will be a better, safer, healthier place when we all take the time to listen to each other’s stories – especially the stories of people who have been marginalized or whose voices are seldom heard.
In recognition of the power of story to address the rifts in our society, Story For All was founded in 2011 with a focus on amplifying stories of young people, communities of color, and the environment, as well as the organizations that support them. Through our projects, trainings, books and other tools, we use storytelling to engage communities, preserve culture, inform policy, and change narratives in communities across the USA. Formerly known as Story Bridges, Story For All is an educational nonprofit corporation with 510(c)(3) status.

Talk Story Radio Kaua`i
In 2023, we launched a new partnership with a local radio station to bring our special take on storytelling to the airwaves. The show, called Talk Story Radio Kaua’i, focuses on Hawaiian culture, traditions, good works, and the people behind it all. Learn more here.

Oakland Griots 2024
The griots are back! Ten years after the phenomenal success of the Griots of Oakland project, we are back in action, lifting up stories and wisdom about what it’s like to be a young black man in Oakland. Our goal is to provide African American young men with the skills and opportunity to share their voices and let us know about their experiences, successes, challenges, and dreams. Click here to learn more about the project.

R.O.O.T.S. of Sunflower County
The Reclaiming Our Origins Through Story project addresses negative perceptions and narratives about young men and boys of color. This oral history journey by 19 young men from Sunflower County who set out to change the negative perceptions about young black men in their community. Learn more about their story here.